Welcome to Hartr.net!

What happened to the old site?

Originally this site was a wordpress suite with a bunch of articles I had written. While it was fun while it lasted, the overhead complexity took up more and more time. For now, it's being taken offline until we can find a better replacement. Stay tuned to see what gets published next.

What is this for?

This is the home site of the Jack Harter online presence. It includes a pitch that serves as an online CV. I will try to update it occasionally, but I cannot make serious promises about that. Please enjoy.

Who am I?

I am an information technology professional living in Chicago with a background in networking, security, open source and containerized solutions. I'm working to learn more within the Kubernetes, Rancher, Docker and Hashicorp fields.

My nontechnical interests include gardening, new cuisine, homebrew and board games, as well as spending quality time with my wife, Kari; cat, Louis, and iguana Gerald.

So why should I care, good sir?

Technology will not be kept in a dusty closet or restricted to the dungeons of the corporate world. The most successful companies of the recent past and the near future are those who embrace new processes and tools before their competition can. The only way this can be ensured is by promoting and utilizing the best new ideas over stuff that just works.

Staying relevant and strong can be a daunting and sometimes scary pursuit. But with the right combination of application and expertise, we can engage with the future on our terms rather than those of our competitors.

When is the best time to future-proof your interests?

What will still work tomorrow?

And where do we start to use it today?

Since 2010, I've worked in environments ranging from two-person startups to Fortune 100 companies. Whether you want to better protect your enterprise data, talk about the fun properties of Arch or play an engrossing game of Magic, I'd love to meet and chat over a beer or coffee.

To reach me:

If you have any questions or concerns, ping me at jack@hartr.net

For commercial contact information please refer to my LinkedIn site.

But if you want to see what I'm doing today, you can also follow me on Twitter.


Thank you for using hartr.net. This whole thing runs in github.io.

You can view the second page here.

You can learn about the author here.

Let me know if you would like me to set this up for your business!